Using embedding classes

This guide shows you how to use the embedding classes and describes a little bit about how they do things.


First a gf_struct object has to be created that describes the correlated subspace \(\mathcal{C}_i\). This object should be constructed in the same way as TRIQS Green’s function objects are created: as a list of tuple pairs describing a symmetry block and its dimension. For example, for the \(e_g\) symmetry sector (two orbitals) in a system where spin is conserved, the structure can be encoded as

gf_struct = [ ('up_eg', 2),  ('dn_eg', 2)]

Next a local Hamiltonian has to be constructed. This must be a TRIQS operator that includes the interaction terms. It can include the local quadratic terms in \(\mathcal{C}_i\), but these can also be set later on. It does not make any difference for the solvers. For example, a two-orbital Hubbard model with hopping between the orbitals can be constructed as

from triqs.operators import Operator, c_dag, c, n
n_orb = 2

U = 1
h_int = Operator()
for o in range(n_orb):
    h_int += U * n('up', o) * n('dn', o)

# Optional local terms
#V = 0.25
#for s in ['up', 'dn']:
#    h_int += V * ( c_dag(s, 0) * c(s, 1) + c_dag(s, 1) * c(s, 0) )


The solver is instantiated as

from risb.embedding import EmbeddingAtomDiag
embedding = EmbeddingAtomDiag(h_int, gf_struct)

The interaction Hamiltonian is stored in embedding.h_int and the block matrix structure is stored in embedding.gf_struct.

Setting h_emb

Next the embedding Hamiltonian h_emb has to be set with

embedding.set_h_emb(Lambda_c, D)

where Lambda_c and D are block matrices that describe the impurity problem with the structure of gf_struct.


meth:EmbeddingAtomDiag.set_h_emb is internally called from within the self-consistent loop in the RISB Solver classes. The hybridzation term from D is stored as embedding.h_hybr and the bath hopping from Lambda_c stored as embedding.h_bath as TRIQS operators.

If the non-interacting quadratic couplings are not included in h_int, then they must be passed as

embedding.set_h_emb(Lambda_c, D, h0_loc_matrix)

where h0_loc_matrix is a matrix that describes the couplings, with the same block matrix structure as Lambda_c and D. This is stored in embedding.h0_loc as a TRIQS operator.

Setting h_int

If you want to update the interaction terms on the impurity

# A new h_int
h_int = ...



It is solved as


There are no arguments. All solve() does is call


class:triqs.atom_diag.AtomDiag, passes it h_emb and restricts the Hilbert space to the half-filled particle sector. The instance of this class is stored in See the TRIQS documentation for its function.

Getting the density matrices

The single-particle density matrix of the \(f\) electrons in the embedding space in one of the blocks specified by gf_struct is obtained as


The off-diagonal density matrix between the \(c\) and \(f\) electrons is obtained as


The density matrix of the \(c\) electrons is obtained as


The three terms above give the full single-particle density matrix in the embedding space.

Local expectation values

Any local expectation value of an operator Op in the embedding space is obtained as


Op must be a TRIQS operator. See the TRIQS manual for helper functions to construct some common observables. To get observables in the \(f\) electrons, the structure is obtained as


The whole embedding space structure is obtained as



If you want to have some correlated subspaces \(\mathcal{C}_i\) as inequivalent, but they are related by some symmetry, it is not necessary to solve for the ground state in each subspace separately.

This class is a copy of another Embedding class. For example, to create a copy of


class:EmbeddingAtomDiag it is instantiated as

from risb.embedding import EmbeddingDummy
embedding = EmbeddingDummy(embedding = embedding_atom_diag_instance)


If the copy is related by symmetry, you can pass rotations as a list of functions that operate in sequence on the block matrices that


class:EmbeddingDummy returns. For example, if the correlated subspace is equivalent except that the spin is rotated, like in an antiferromagnetic phase, this can be done with

from itertools import deepcopy
def rotate_spin(A):
    B = deepcopy(A)
    B['up'] = A['dn']
    B['dn'] = A['up']
    return B

embedding = EmbeddingDummy(embedding = ...,
                           rotations = [rotate_spin])


set_h_emb() and solve() are methods that just pass and do nothing. The density matrix functions get_rho_f, get_rho_cf, and get_rho_c grab what is stored in embedding_atom_diag and rotates according to the list of functions in rotations.


The operator passed to overlap is not rotated. Likely only rotationally invariant quantities make sense to calculate, which are can be obtained from the embedding class that EmbeddingDummy copies.