
If you want to solve a strongly correlated model on a lattice you can use


class:LatticeSolver. This guide shows you how to use it for most kinds of problems you might want to solve.

Simple setup

First define a non-interacting coupling matrix that describes electron hopping between sites and orbitals and orbital energies, with some defined block structure. E.g., if spin is a good quantum number and there are \(N\) orbitals per unit cell

h0_k = {'up' : k by N by N ndarray, 'dn' : k by N by N ndarray}

Next define a class that determines the integration weight at each \(k\) point on the lattice, e.g., class:SmearingKWeight.

kweight = KWeightClass(...)

It must have a member function update_weights() that is called as update_weights(energies, **kwargs) where energies are a dict[ndarray] that are the eigenenergies of h0_k in each block (e.g., 'up' and 'dn' spin blocks).

Next define the local block matrix structure of the correlated subspace as a list of pairs. Each pair is the name of a block bl and the number of orbitals in that block as n_orb.

gf_struct = [(bl, n_orb), ...]

Following the block structure of gf_struct, construct the interacting Hamiltonian in the correlated subspace \(\mathcal{C}_i\). This can include the quadratic terms in a cluster if you want.

h_int = ...

Next define the class that solves in the correlated subspace \(\mathcal{C}_i\) the impurity problem for RISB.

embedding = EmbeddingClass(h_int, gf_struct)

Finally, set up the solver class and solve

S = LatticeSolver(h0_k = h0_k,
                  gf_struct = gf_struct,
                  embedding = embedding,
                  update_weights = kweight.update_weights,
S.solve(tol = ...)

Multiple clusters

If you want a correlated subspace \(\mathcal{C}_i\) for each cluster \(i\) you must construct a gf_struct for each subspace as a list

gf_struct = [gf_struct_1, gf_struct_2, ...]

You must construct an embedding solver for each subspace \(\mathcal{C}_i\) as a list

embedding = [embedding_1, embedding_2, ...]

You must construct a projector from the larger space of h0_k to each subspace \(\mathcal{C}_i\) as a list

projectors = [projector_1, projector_2, ...]

(Optional) Depending on how the problem is set up, you might also need to construct a mapping from the block structure defined in each gf_struct[i] to the larger block structure space of h0_k. For each correlated subspace \(\mathcal{C}_i\) gf_struct_mapping_i is a dictionary of str \(\rightarrow\) str

gf_struct_mapping_1 = {'bl_in_gf_struct_1' : 'bl_in_h0_k', ...}
gf_struct_mapping = [gf_struct_mapping_1, gf_struct_mapping_2, ...]

These lists are passed to the solver as

S = LatticeSolver(...
                  gf_struct = gf_struct,
                  embedding = embedding,
                  projectors = projectors,
                  gf_struct_mapping = gf_struct_mapping,

Enforcing symmetries

Thanks <3

This way to do symmetries is unashamedly taken from TRIQS/hartree_fock. There are other ways to enforce symmetries on the matrices that we also implement at the same time, but this is very easy and quick for a user to cater to their specific needs.

If you want to enforce symmetries this is done through functions that are called at each self-consistent loop. For example, if the block structure in each cluster is just the spin, paramagnetism can be enforced as

def paramagnetism(A):
    n_clusters = len(A)
    for i in range(n_clusters):
        A[i]['up'] = 0.5 * (A[i]['up'] + A[i]['dn'])
        A[i]['dn'] = A[i]['up']
    return A

If you want to enforce another symmetry then you can define another function in a similar way

def symmetry1(A):
    do something here, maybe only to a single cluster i
    return A

The functions are passed as a list to the solver

S = LatticeSolver(...
                  symmetries = [paramagnetism, symmetry1, ...],

and are called in the sequence they are given in the list.

Using other functions to find a root

If you want to change the function that finds the roots of the self-consistent procedure you can specify it with

S = LatticeSolver(...
                  root = root,

root is called exactly the same as what :py:func:scipy.optimize.root requires. It must be a callable function that takes as input root(S._target_function, x0, args=, **kwargs). Here S._target_function by default returns a tuple[ndarray,ndarray] of a flattened ndarray x_new of a new Lambda and R matrix and a flattened ndarray x_err of the error from the f1 and f2 root functions.

If you do not want S._target_function to return x_new and only return x_err then you can specify

S = LatticeSolver(...
                  root = root,
                  return_x_new = False,

You can change whether x_err is from the root functions f1 and f2 or as a recursion from successive changes to x as x_err = x_new - x with

S = LatticeSolver(...
                  root = root,
                  error_fun = 'root' or 'recursion',

For example, to use :py:func:scipy.optimize.root

from scipy.optimize import root
S = LatticeSolver(...
                  root = root,
                  return_x_new = False,
S.solve(tol = , method = 'broyden1, hybr, krylov, etc', other kwargs = )


In our experience scipy’s root functions do not work as well as either standard linear mixing or DIIS (which seems to work very well for RISB, and is the default method).

Real or complex?

In general the matrices in RISB should be complex. If you choose a basis where you know they all will be real and you want to force the matrices to be real you can do that with

S = LatticeSolver(...
                  force_real = True,

This will make most EmbeddingClass solvers faster, and the other matrix operations faster. For many systems forcing the matrices to be real is fine.